Skip this message if you do not use Gmail. But if you use Gmail or your friends use Gmail, read on…
Gmail is phasing in a new “tabbed inbox” system.
You may have already seen it in your inbox or you will see it soon.
They have divided your inbox into 5 separate inboxes and created tabs across the top. The tabs are labeled: “Primary,” “Social,” “Promotions,” “Updates” and “Forums.”
They have decided to automatically send your mails into each of these inbox tabs and have already chosen which email goes into which inbox tab, unless you tell them otherwise.
How does this affect you?
A lot of emails that you have subscribed to will end up in the tab marked “Promotions,” even though they are content based mail from blogs and other sites that you want. You may never get to see the emails because most people will rarely, if ever check their “promotions” folder.
The good news is that there is an easy fix!
- Look at your Gmail account and see if the new tabbed inboxes have been turned on across the top of your emails.
- Click on the “Promotions” inbox tab.
- Drag any emails from blogs and people that you want to hear from (hopefully that includes me!) and drop them into the inbox tab that says “Primary.”
- You’ll get an alert saying, “This conversation has been moved to “Primary.” Do this for future messages from harry@launchyourgenius.com?” Then click “Yes” when the alert pops up.
- Over the next few weeks, check your “Promotions” tab to make sure that you do not have content there that you would like to see and go into the “Primary” inbox.
- If you would like to turn off all the new tabbed inboxes, click on the settings gear image at the upper right hand corner of your inbox and select “settings.” Then go ahead and click the “Inbox” tab and uncheck all the categories except the “Primary” inbox tab and then make sure to save all your changes.
A Hat Tip to Jonathan Fields to bring this to my attention! I used some points from his e-mail and modified it for LYG and its readers. Thank you Jonathan!
And that is all! You are all set!
Thanks a lot,