“When you have eliminated the impossible whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” ― Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, The Sign of Four
What is possibility thinking? You may have heard before that “anything is possible” with the right amount of hard work, talent and perseverance. Is that idea true or is it something we tell the self to feel better?
I think that the distinction between possibility thinking and wishful thinking can be a fine line. This becomes more true when the thinking is not backed by any implementable plan or action.
With no structures in place to carry out our plans, even great possibilities become wishful thinking.
Of course, the reverse might ring true for many people. They might hold an attitude that many things are impossible for them to accomplish. Some of that might even be true. But assuming that things are impossible is a defeatist attitude that does not serve your purpose.
What is the solution?
The solution is to test everything out for your situation and your life. The solution is to develop an attitude like a scientist in your own life and ask the right questions for rapid answers and solutions.
The key is to have a strong possibility mindset but not slip into the wishful thinking mode by inaction and analysis paralysis.
Here are 10 ideas on possibility thinking and how to install it in your own life:
1. The Art Of The Attempt And Engagement
“In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd.” – Miguel de Cervantes
You may have the idea that something is absurd for your life and your situation. For example, if you are an engineer and I tell you that you are super creative, you may have that feeling.
The truth is that analytical thinkers like engineers can be super creative and are artists in their own right.
The problem lies with our beliefs, perceptions and assumptions that we hold for our self-image.
Imagine that you confront an idea or a possibility that sounds absurd to your self-image. Regardless of whether you can achieve it or not, it processes as “absurd” in your mind.
When you confront an idea and a plan with the possibility mindset, it can be a completely different story.
Look at the Wright brothers for example. They were bicycle mechanics who were also interested in human flight. Many teams that were more talented than them were competing for the first human flight. The brothers were not as prepared and not as well funded with elaborate teams and equipment as their competitors.
They could have just said: This is absurd and impossible.
Instead, they made it happen. They were passionate and they wanted to engage with the problem. Beyond that, they made many attempts in doing the absurd and the impossible. A problem looks and feels impossible till you engage with it.
Once you commit to repeated engagement, it does not seem quite as impossible.
“Every noble work is at first impossible.”– Thomas Carlyle
2. Where Do you Dwell?
“Dwell in possibility.”- Emily Dickinson
It is a great idea to make an assessment of where your dominant mental attitude, thinking and actions live. Do they live in the realm of the impossible or do they dwell in the possible?
There are people who look hard for reasons why something is not possible and they find them. In fact, the universe does not hesitate to serve them what they desire.
For anything progress to happen, we have to at least be open to the possibility of a different and a better way.
“Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.”― Arundhati Roy
3. The Nemesis
“I can’t”… “It’s not possible”… “I’m not good enough”… ~ These are lies the demons of your past use to scare away the possibilities of the present.” ― Steve Maraboli
What is the nemesis of possibility thinking and action? It is our beliefs and thinking that it is not possible.
How does this manifest in your life?
- I cannot do this.
- What me? It is not possible for me and not true for my situation.
- The time is not right.
- I am not good enough for this.
- I should have done this before.
We train ourselves to begin accepting impossibility thinking. There are several ways that we do this but there are two major categories:
A. Past failures and unfavorable experiences.
B. Evidence of other people and real life examples of why it is not possible.
In either case, it is a defense mechanism to rationalize our minds to think and believe that we are not enough or cut out for the task.
Before any human ran the 4-minute mile, there were a lot of stories around accomplishing that feat. The assumed idea was that it was not possible to run a mile under 4 minutes. It is not surprising that most attempts to do so did not succeed in shattering the barrier.
Many runners in the early fifties dedicated themselves to the task but never got past the barrier.
Then Roger Barrister, a 25 year old medical student shattered the physically impossible barrier.
Soon there after, once someone showed that it was possible to do a sub 4-minute mile, many other followed to break the barrier too.
“Nothing is more imminent than the impossible . . . what we must always foresee is the unforeseen.” ― Victor Hugo, Les Miserables
4. For a Strong Possibility Mindset, Ask If Not You, Who?
“If not you, who? If not now, when?” – Rabbi Hillel
The popular excuse to justify the “it is impossible” outlook is the idea of outsourcing the idea or the possibility to others.
We justify and rationalize our positions by offering an alternative person, time and place. This takes the burden of responsibility off our shoulders and places it on others.
When you ask yourself that who else but you could and should do the task or the project, now you are in business. You are in the business of possibility thinking and you are in the first step of seizing the opportunity.
So let me ask you this, what are you willing to do to make that impossible dream or aspiration of yours a reality?
Are you going to assume that it is not possible or are you going to take some action on it to find out for yourself?
“You were born and with you endless possibilities, very few ever to be realized. It’s okay. Life was never about what you could do, but what you would do. ” ― Richelle E. Goodrich, Smile Anyway
5. The Folly Of Extreme Certainty
“When nothing is sure, everything is possible.” – Margaret Drabble
When you are so sure of your plan that it is the right one for you, you have tunnel visioned your options and possibilities.
Often, we get overly attached with one way of doing things. We may even claim or think in our mind that “my way is the best way.” The reality is not easy to digest for many. Your way might be the best under your current set of situations and structures. But it might become obsolete in a year or two.
For example, you may be an author and use the traditional method of sending your manuscript to publishers.
But if you are technology shy and refuse to get into e-books on the various platforms, you are missing out on a great possibility. And that is just the beginning of the content delivery and multimedia learning avalanche. The world is changing rapidly and getting attached to one way is not productive anymore.
So ask yourself if you are nipping opportunity in the bud by being so sure of your present methods that you disallow other ways. Remember that this is a difficult one to get past. We love our ways of doing things to the point that we get blind sighted to other ideas and possibilities.
Ask: Do you want to be right or do you want to be effective?
6. “Possible until proven impossible”
“All things are possible until they are proved impossible and even the impossible may only be so, as of now.” ― Pearl S. Buck
We are all familiar with the famous phrase “innocent until proven guilty” that is used in courts of law. Today, I urge you and encourage you to adopt a different version of this in your life. The idea comes from the amazing quote above and it is: “Anything is possible until proven beyond a shred of doubt that it is impossible to do.”
Now what does that require you to do? It requires you to:
- Write that e-book that you have been wanting to write despite the time limitations.
- Go get that degree that you have been cherishing regardless of setbacks.
- Believe in you and what you represent even though you have not done so in the past.
- Launch that course or that small business after making a solid plan.
- Promote, sustain and implement the possibility mindset.
- Not make premature assumptions on the impossibility of anything based on previous ideas.
“Before we can slay Goliath, we must come to the realization that it is POSSIBLE to do so.” – Dale Turner
Remember that the new default state is that it is possible. The non-default state is that it is impossible. Now, I will not say what some other books or people tell you: anything is possible. The truth is that not everything may be possible for everyone based on their unique situation.
But are you not even going to make an attempt and find out for yourself. Get the ball rolling and you might just be pleasantly surprised.
“It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.” – Walt Disney
7. The Incredible Power of Imagination, Belief And Action
“I am where I am because I believe in all possibilities.”- Whoopi Goldberg
Do you believe in the power of possibility thinking or do you think it is simply personal development mumbo-jumbo. Every idea and accomplishment that humans have made was the brainchild of the imagination of some person.
When you take your powers of imagination and make them inseparable with your labor of love, something great is possible. I love what Disney calls this process: Imagineering.
Here is what Disney has to say on Imagineering on their website:
“We make the magic.” That’s our motto at Walt Disney Imagineering, and it’s a belief that permeates everything we do. From castles, mountains and mansions to fireworks spectaculars, Imagineers are the creative force behind the iconic Disney attractions and experiences that our guests have come to know and love. We combine our rich storytelling legacy with the latest technology to breathe life into beloved Disney stories and characters in our theme parks, resorts, cruise ships and other Walt Disney Parks and Resorts experiences around the world. With one foot in the present and another in the future, Imagineers continue to push the boundaries of creativity, innovation and possibility as we create new experiences and new forms of entertainment for our guests of today, tomorrow and beyond.”
I also love their tagline: “Create the never before seen.”
I do not see the words impossible anywhere in Disney’s powerful statements. It is perhaps because they understand the debilitating power of believing something is not possible.
Everything that we take as truth now was at some point considered impossible. Many thought it was impossible to think beyond the dial and cord telephone. The idea of taking your phone with you everywhere would have been considered an impossibility let alone all the things you can do on your smartphone these days. Yet, people did not believe in that limitation and pushed forward.
“What is now proved, was once only imagined.” – William Blake
Imagination is a powerful force. It brings things that did not exist and brings them into the realm of possibility. Beyond that, the burden of implementation and action rests in our court.
The next step: what action and plans do you have about your imaginative ideas?
“It is better to believe than to disbelieve; in so doing you bring everything to the realm of possibility” ― Albert Einstein
To install our imagination into the real world, the most important ingredient is a deep sense of belief in our work and our abilities. We are usually habituated to imagine worst case scenarios. Now let us imagine the best-case scenario and multiply it many fold to see what might be possible.
“Imagine everything you’re experiencing now being a hundred times more wonderful. Bad turns good; good turns great. THAT IS WHAT IS POSSIBLE.”-Marianne Williamson
8. Is It Worth Doing: The Excitement Of a Challenge
“Only the impossible is worth doing.” ― Akong Rinpoche
If you are only doing what is barely possible, you are most likely staying in the zone of comfort. While this is not a bad thing, you may not experience the same amount of fear and excitement that you can by attempting the impossible.
In fact, flow research demonstrates that flow happens when we are sufficiently challenged and work at the edge of our skill level.
Now this might be uncomfortable for many. But the excitement and fear of a new challenge sparks intrinsic motivation and makes the experience worthwhile.
Ask yourself if you are used to certainty and your comfort zone and do not consider stepping into the uncertainty. It may be the ingredient that is missing: The uncertainty and excitement of an impossible challenge. If you think that you cannot do it, by all means you should attempt it and see where it takes you.
Remember that the impossible is a worthy challenger. Impossible projects can infuse powerful meaning in your life.
“You must do the thing you think you cannot do.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
9. The Plan
“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” – St. Francis of Assisi
The plan to navigate the impossible does not come from jumping headlong and then quitting. Of course if you can do that without quitting, by all means go ahead and do it!
For most people, the transition from doing what is necessary and then what is possible and then into impossible work is huge. This creates all types of psychological discord and unease and makes quitting easier.
The best plan is to listen to the timeless words of St. Francis of Assisi. Begin with small steps into the zone of necessity and then into possibility. When you score small victories, you are telling your belief system that it is possible.
Tiny little steps all add up to a huge leap. But the problem is that we get impatient with the small steps. We want huge results and we want it now. And as a result, we do nothing to move forward.
So what is the way forward?
- If you want to learn and master photography, try taking up one tip a day.
- If you want to write, write 500 words a day.
- If you want to build a small business, read and implement a small change everyday.
- If you want to work on your productivity, try implementing one small system.
“Become a possibilitarian. No matter how dark things seem to be or actually are, raise your sights and see possibilities – always see them, for they’re always there.”– Norman Vincent Peale
10. Detach From Hopelessness And Engineer a Purpose For Your Life
“The secret of life is to have a task, something you devote your entire life to, something you bring everything to, every minute of the day for the rest of your life. And the most important thing is, it must be something you cannot possibly do.” – Henry Moore
When you are hopeful, you are automatically activating the possibility engine in your life. Like the Dalai Lama so wisely said that when we have hope, we have something to hold on to. When we have hope, we have something to look forward to and believe in. When you feel hopeless, you are highly disempowered.
When you find what makes you excited and what makes you engage your skills, you are bringing two powerful elements together.
The possibility formula:
Passion or Interest + Skills That You Can Improve upon + Hope and Possibility + A desire to Do work that matters to you and to others = A Powerful and empowered life
“Never lose hope, there are always possibilities if you just look for them.”- Catherine Pulsifer
*ANNOUNCEMENT! My latest free e-book “21 LIFE ALTERING SHIFTS OF MINDSET AND PERSPECTIVE ” (File size: 8.2 Mb, 102 pages) is available now for download! If you are a subscriber, please check your latest LYG e-mail newsletter for a link. If you are new to LYG, please signup below for a free download.
Now over to you!
Which idea resonated with you?
Do you have any tips or ideas to share about navigating impossible projects?
Has possibility thinking helped you in your life? Please share your story!
Let me know in the comments below!
Saad JG says
“It only seems impossible until it’s done” Mandela
Harish says
Thanks a lot for your comment and thanks for stopping by!
I love the quote that you shared from Mandela! I might just have to include it in my post 🙂
Thanks and come back soon,
Ashvin says
Hi Harish,
There are many things in our life which are considered as impossible. But if we try then nothing is impossible. People need to have hard determination to follow their dreams. Its good to know that you are motivating people. There are many people who don’t even have belief that they can achieve their goal. They need to approach at their best.
Giving up is not an option and people should understand it if they want to do something unique. There may be many goals which can’t be achieved by everyone but at least people can try.
Thanks a lot for writing this motivational article.
ikechi says
Hi Harish
The problem lies with our beliefs, perceptions and assumptions that we hold for our self-image. I love this quote and I am thrilled by the examples. The Wright weren’t the smartest but they did the impossible. I agree that our mind deceives into believing there are limitations. Only when we believe in possibility thinking and act on it without fear and wholesome passion, do we achieve the impossible.
Harish says
Hi Ikechi,
Thanks a lot for your comment! Indeed the Wright brothers overcame disadvantages but leveled the playing field by believing in the “impossible is possible” idea and taking action to reflect that philosophy. Often, people tell me that life cannot possibly be that simple. Can simply the determination and engagement and the belief that “it is possible” coupled with inspired action work wonders in our lives? I believe that it can. Some people are not prepared to hear that idea and think that it is overly simplistic. But some of the more simple ideas can hold great power and effectiveness. The mind does deceive us into thinking that there are limitations and blocks because it does not play well with discomfort and uncertainty. But, if we make taking action and thinking and doing from the energy of possibility, we have a better chance.
Vinay Kachhara says
Harish, I agree with all the ideas that you’ve mentioned to make things possible, more so the impossible possible. You’re quite right between the difference of possibility thinking and wishful thinking. Belief in self, believing that the job or task is THE thing for you, hope, positive thoughts, and getting down to do it, is all it takes to conquer the mountain of impossibility. You’ve mentioned it all and even more.
One way I think to navigate impossible projects is to remove “I’m” from “Impossible”. I mean to “detach” yourself from the project and to work objectively. By removing your “self”, you don’t associate any emotions with the project, and thus you remove any possibility of negative emotions trying to hijack and disrupt the progress of your work. Just do it, because you’ve to do it, with the mindset of completing the task in the best way, to achieve the target – with that machine-robot like determination and endurance.
Other way is to apply the principle of “Karma”. You don’t bother about the result, nor even the nature of the task, you just do it, because you’ve to, giving out your best. This is perhaps the same thing as mentioned in the previous para.
The moment we become emotional and begin associating ourselves with the results, we have feelings of anxiety, nervousness, negative self-beliefs, and even fear. They weaken our force, make us doubtful, and make us stray from our objective path. On the other hand, if you have the ruthless, killer-instinct, and determination, you are more probably to make things possible.
But too much of aggressive and mechanical approach can be deadly and dangerous. It’s good to go with strong and positive emotions. As you mention, passion is essential, which you can call as intense emotions. That makes you a human with a robot like go-getter person. Combine it with karma and it all turns out to be a powerful carbine! That’s the ammunition you need to win over impossibility.
Harish, reading your post, I developed my 5P formula that I’d like to share with you;
Passion + Positivity + Plan + Performance = Possible
That’s the way to go to make the impossible possible by following the 10 steps as you’ve narrated in this post.
Great post! Thanks for writing it as it made me think and I’m sure many would benefit from it. 🙂
Harish says
Hi Vinay,
Thanks a lot for your excellent comment! I really appreciate the kind words. I like the idea of removing the self from a difficult project to make the work objective. The version that I heard before is to make Impossible into I am possible. But this is a new way of looking at it for me and it encapsulates the ancient wisdom of detaching from the outcome. I think that detachment from difficult work is highly effective and required for success. As you mention, we may have a tendency to think and feel away from our goals if we remain too attached to a particular outcome. This goes nicely with the idea that tunnel visioning choices at the early stages of work is not a very effective option.
I like your choice of words: determination and endurance. Such a powerful combination to move fearlessly ahead in life. I totally agree with what you mention about karma. It is that karma and detachment that people find hard to implement. Because we love our theories and ways, action and detachment sounds like a difficult practice. But with some determination and letting go, I believe it is achievable. Yes, I agree that all the negative emotions begin creeping in when we get overly attached to the outcome. We dread any other possibility because it does not seem quite as good as the perceived idea of what we think our results look like. There is great wisdom in what you say because it is precisely this reason that people stop and begin doubting and fearing and second guessing their beliefs and ideas. Often, under the sway of negative emotions, one may forget that there are other possibilities and options available. They are simply waiting in the horizon biding their time and waiting for a signal of approval.
I think your 5 P formula is awesome! You have included all the necessary elements required for an excuse free and a possibility filled life. Every single component you mention is essential for a possibility mindset and I like the way it has all come together!
Thanks again for a detailed and thoughtful comment. I certainly enjoyed reading it. 🙂
Ravi Chahar says
Hi Harish,
There are many things in our life which are considered as impossible. But if we try then nothing is impossible. People need to have hard determination to follow their dreams. Its good to know that you are motivating people. There are many people who don’t even have belief that they can achieve their goal. They need to approach at their best.
Giving up is not an option and people should understand it if they want to do something unique. There may be many goals which can’t be achieved by everyone but at least people can try.
Thanks a lot for writing this motivational article.
Hope you are having fun today.:)
Harish says
Hi Ravi,
Thanks for your message! I agree that determination is very important in life. As you mention, it is the belief that can make the difference between trying or not trying or even feeling if one is worthy of goals and progress. When we get started on something, it is the belief and the power of perseverance and engagement that makes the difference between success and failure. This is not easy for many people because no one likes to go on in the face of failure and the impossible. But that is what is required…since we cannot see any results we can get discouraged. But keeping the eye on the target regardless of results and setbacks can take us far in life.
Thanks and have a nice weekend,
Manik says
Hello Harish Sir,
Is it really True? I do believe that those are actually impossible we can’t make those possible.
Harish says
Hi Manik,
Thanks a lot for your comment!
Sorry that I am relying to your message after a little while. I agree that there might be impossible things that we cannot make possible. But often, there are many possible things that we make impossible be believing that we cannot do them. I think the best option is to try and find out for oneself if things are possible or simply improbable.
Jyoti Chauhan says
Hi Harish,
It is a first time when I stumbled at your blog, What a awesome post you have wrote here! Every body face many situation and he think he can do or not possible kind of situations. But it totally depend on our thinking as we think as happen. If we think everything is possible we give our best to make that task possible anyhow. And what happened in that case, if we have decide it is not possible without given a try to make possible.
Keep writing such wonderful post 🙂
Have a nice time!
Jyoti Chauhan
Harish says
Hi Jyoti!
Thanks a lot for our comment! Thanks for your kind words…I really appreciate them. I agree with you that the outlook that we hold about the possibility or impossibility of a task allows us to try or quit even before trying. People are very good at what the psychologists call rationalization. It means that if we believe that we cannot do something, we will generate mental reasons to rationalize why that is true for our life.