“That inspiration comes, does not depend on me. The only thing I can do is make sure it catches me working.” ― Pablo Picasso
What are some of the myths of creativity and creative people that just do not seem to go away?
Have you heard the following before:
Creativity is only for artists.
I am not the creative type.
Creativity is very esoteric and I do not understand it very well.
I am just not inspired to be creative.
Well, you are not the only one because we have all heard these myths of creativity at some point of time or another.
I recently wrote a guest post titled:
You can click on the title above or click here to access it. The blog where the post was published is a brand new motivational blog called m.otivate.me. They are also doing some great work over at their google plus page.
I would appreciate it if you could leave your comments, if you have any for my new guest post over at the m.otivate.me blog.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Adapted Image Credit: Linus Bohman via Flickr CC