Dear Readers,
Happy Thursday!
I uploaded a SlideShare presentation with some of my favorite quotes: 31 Quotes to Inspire You. Please let me know what you think in the comments below.
Awesome links for the week:
Without any doubt, one of my favorite links this week is the new TED talk that just went online featuring Sir Ken Robinson. Sir Robinson is a creativity expert and I have thoroughly enjoyed all his TED talks in the past! If you have never watched Sir Robinson talk before, you are in for a treat!
Marie Forleo, one of my favorite business experts interviews the tireless Ramit Sethi of “I will teach you to be Rich” fame. This video is very insightful if you are planning to build a small business and how to narrow down your niche so that you can get more customers. I really enjoy the clarity that Marie and Ramit bring to marketing and selling.
Scott Young shares his insights on how to learn anything faster and more effectively: A step-by-step process to teach yourself anything. Scott took the MIT challenge where he completed 4 years of MIT computer science courses in 1 year of self-study. I have been following his work for a while and he is a great inspiration.
Steven Pressfield is always a pleasure to read. His new post: Self doubt and self-reinforcement is a frank and insightful description of self-doubt and how to overcome it. If you have self-doubt like I do sometime, this article is a great consolation and a must read.
I hope that you had a wonderful week so far and I hope that you have a fabulous weekend!
Please let me know in the comments below on how you inspire yourself on a daily or a weekly basis?
Photo Credit: Shandi-lee Cox via Compfight