“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.”― Marianne Williamson, Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of “A Course in Miracles”
Fear cripples.
Fear rules.
Fear stops us.
Why do we carry this burden of fear? We allow fear to transform into a massive idea and image in our minds. This image grows and grows. And we feed it. Inadvertently.
Let us make friends with the greatest nemesis to launching your genius. our own fears. Out of control. Waiting just below the surface to catch fire. And slay our hopes and aspirations and heartfelt desires. While we simply watch. We put up a fight sometimes but the fear of change is too much to bear. It is much more comfortable to stay where we are at. Safe.
Here are a few suggestions:
1. Put the fear in perspective.
Whether you launch or not, after a while the world will forget and it will not make a difference. Do you still regret not having asked or done something when you could? We are going to change that.
Fear is a thought process gone out of control. Let us take a moment and breathe into the realization that we might be making a real mountain out of a small irrational fear. Now indeed there are some legitimate fears. But most of them are designed by ourselves to keep us in check. In the comfort zone. Safe and sound. But alas, genius is not safe. Genius is brash and bold and does not respect fears or boundaries. Genius is stepping into the unknown awash with fear but still taking the next step. Because true genius has no choice. The other option is too impossible to live with.
2. Launch anyways.
When you stare into fear and take massive action, fear just moves aside and you realize that you can act in spite of fear. Not without fear. But with it, along with it, in spite of fear. Fear becomes a teacher. Fear shows us where we need to move towards. New horizons.
3. Be kind and compassionate to yourself.
These are BIG changes. If you are not kind to yourself, no one else will.
more fear.
move. act.